Communicable Disease Programs

Communicable Disease, Tuberculosis, Immunization, and Perinatal Hepatitis B Programs

Communicable Disease Control

Provides surveillance & case investigation of all reportable communicable diseases, outbreak management, contact identification, patient & community education, and consultation to physicians, infection control practitioners, schools, & day care programs.

Tuberculosis (TB) Control

Provides surveillance/reporting of disease; TB case management services for suspected and diagnosed cases; contact identification, assessment, referral & monitoring; Directly Observed Therapy (DOT); consultation for health care providers, hospital infection control practitioners and school nurses; outbreak control activities; community education.

Immunization Assistance (IAP)

Management of State supplied vaccine; provider quality assurance assessments; influenza vaccination clinics; immunization education presentations, training’s and support to community providers and parent groups;childcare immunization assessment activities; kindergarten and 7th grade immunization assessments.

Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention

Provides education and monitoring to hepatitis B carrier pregnant women, and monitoring of the newborns to ensure appropriate follow-up is obtained to prevent spread of hepatitis B to the infants. Household contacts are referred for testing to determine status and referred for immunization if susceptible.

Related Resources

Please see the Disease Reporting page for communicable disease reporting information for healthcare providers.